
What Is a Personal Injury and How You Can Win Just Compensation

A personal injury can cause you physical and emotional suffering and be a substantial financial burden. If someone else caused your injury, you may be entitled to collect damages to compensate for your suffering and any expenses. An attorney can help you to win the compensation you're entitled to. Personal injury most commonly refers to bodily injury but can also include the infliction of emotional distress. One of the most frequent kinds of personal injury comes from car accidents. If you were not at fault in the accident and suffered an injury as a result, you should receive compensation from the responsible party. Personal injury also encompasses accidents in your place of work, someone else's home or business, injuries sustained while on holiday, and injuries resulting from a product defect. All of these injuries can occur because of someone else's fault or negligence. A personal injury can result in high costs to you, in addition to the pain and stress of the injury it